
Whether it’s due to damage or the humidity, frizzy hair can feel impossible to combat. Thankfully, there are many ways to tame your dry locks. The first step is to rethink your hair styling routine. Below are a few essential do’s and don’ts when handling frizzy hair.


Use conditioners & leave-in products. 

If you’re dealing with dry curls, moisturizing hair care products are necessary. After shampooing, distribute conditioner through your locks with a wide tooth comb or your fingers. Leave-in conditioners can also help fight frizz. While your hair is still damp post-shower, work the product from the ends of your hair up to the roots. Make sure to spread it evenly.

Pay attention to ingredients. 

hair stylingWhile every product will claim to help your hair, some will do more harm than good. Read the labels on every bottle you buy. Steer clear of anything containing alcohols or sulfates, which will dry out your hair and lead to frizz. Ingredients like argan oil and cocoa butter are excellent for replenishing curls.


Towel-dry hair.

When you’re in a rush out of the shower, you might be tempted to scrub your hair dry. Resist that urge—roughing up your roots only leads to more frizz. Instead, gently pat your hair with a t-shirt or towel, then wrap it up and allow it to dry. You might also try air-drying your locks. 

Overuse heat styling tools.

Most hair styling techniques won’t cause significant damage if done properly. However, for those with frizzy hair, heat tools are a common culprit. Heat sucks much-needed moisture from your locks and can even singe dry hair. Set blow dryers, flat irons, and curling irons to low temperatures to prevent damage. When using heat styling tools, always apply a heat protectant first.


If you’re having trouble managing frizz, come to Professional Barber Stylists for expert hair care solutions. Located in Beatrice, NE, this hair salon offers all of the services you’ll need to maintain or update your look, including hair styling, coloring, and cutting. Their knowledgeable team will also help you find the best products for your hair type and needs. To learn more about their services, visit them online. Call (402) 228-3150 to schedule a hair styling appointment with an experienced barber.
