
Wisdom teeth removal is one of the most frequently performed dental procedures. In fact, about 85% of wisdom teeth need this surgery. Although this procedure is performed often, there’s one area some people still remain uneducated about: dry socket. The following guide offers some insight into this subject, so you can keep yourself healthy after your surgery. 

What Is Dry Socket?

After your dentist removes a wisdom tooth, your body will begin to heal the extraction site by forming a blood clot. If this protective layer fails to develop or becomes dislodged, the nerves and jaw bones are left exposed. This is known as dry socket. Not only is this condition painful, but it’s also dangerous—without a protective barrier, the extraction site is vulnerable to infection. 

How Can You Prevent Dry Socket After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

wisdom teeth removalFollowing your dentist’s care instructions after wisdom teeth removal is crucial. Immediately after the surgery, they will give you a gauze to bite down on—this helps the clot form. Afterward, you’ll need to avoid using straws, as the suction can disturb the clot and cause dryness. Additionally, avoid consuming any dehydrating substances, such as starchy or crunchy foods, tobacco, alcohol, or any medications that lead to dry mouth.

Finally, give yourself adequate time to rest and recover. Surgery can put a strain on the body, and your system needs time to recuperate. Jumping back into your regular routine immediately after will impede the healing process. On average, you should plan to take a least two days after wisdom teeth removal to rest.


If you need wisdom teeth removal, the qualified dentists at Legacy Dental Arts are here to help. With over a decade of experience serving residents in Eagle River, AK, these professionals have the knowledge and expertise needed to ensure you maintain optimum oral health. Visit their website to learn more about their practice, and call (907) 622-7874 to schedule an appointment today.
