
To sell a house is difficult under any circumstances, but it can become especially problematic in a buyer’s market. While you can’t forgo the proper process, there are a few things you can do to speed it up and secure an excellent price. Here are some tips to help you get started.

3 Ways to Sell a House Successfully

1. Time It Right

The time of year that you list your home can affect how long it takes to sell. In most markets, fall and spring are ideal seasons to post it because this is when more buyers begin searching for new homes. However, if the market has taken a downward turn, waiting for the summer might provide enough time for the market to bounce back.

2. Prepare Your Home for Visitors

sell a houseYou may have already improved the curb appeal, made minor repairs, and completed renovations. While those activities help boost the home’s attraction to visitors, factors like clutter and cleanliness may negatively impact the impression the house makes. Move everything you don’t need into an off-site storage unit to make it seem more spacious. If you own pets, hire professional carpet cleaners and board the animals during open houses. You never know when a potential buyer might have pet allergies.

3. Hire a Real Estate Agent

It may seem as though selling a property is easier with online tools, but there are many things an agent can do that technology can’t. From scheduling open houses to advising you on how to make your home more attractive, agents have the expertise and connections you need for a successful selling experience. Your agent can also communicate with others to find buyers interested in your style of home. Often, a real estate agent can help you sell your house faster and for a higher price.


If you want to sell a house, Coldwell Banker Realty Champions knows what buyers are looking for in Chillicothe, OH, and Ross County. Their agents also put client needs ahead of their own to ensure the best quality of service. To learn more about their services, visit their website. Call (740) 775-8500 to schedule a consultation.
