
As a parent, you want the best for your children, and that includes their oral health. Brushing and flossing are important parts of dental care, but nutrition plays a vital role as well. Here are a few foods that can help your children maintain strong, healthy teeth.

Foods That Are Good for Children’s Oral Health

1. Green Vegetables

Green veggies are key sources of vitamins and minerals that build healthy tooth enamel. They are also rich in fiber, which provides natural dental care by scrubbing plaque away from teeth and gums. Broccoli, celery, and leafy greens such as spinach and kale are all oral health boosters. If your children turn their noses up at vegetables, try sneaking some into kid-friendly meals, such as pizza or macaroni and cheese.

2. Dairy Products

dental careDairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese are rich in calcium, vitamin D, and phosphate, which all help strengthen and protect the teeth. Aged cheeses such as Swiss, cheddar, and Monterey Jack have the added benefit of stimulating saliva flow, which washes food particles away from the teeth before they can turn to plaque. Incorporate dairy products into your children’s meals, or serve them as snacks.

3. Apples

Fiber-rich apples are another type of food that is naturally effective at teeth cleaning. Because they are so crunchy, they boost the flow of saliva to rinse away bacteria and food particles, and their natural water content helps accomplish this as well. Pack apples in your kids’ lunches as a nutritious, sweet treat, and teach your children that ending a meal with an apple instead of a sugary dessert is a dental care habit that will help them maintain a healthy smile for years to come.

If you’re concerned about how your child’s diet affects their dental health, contact Alaska Dentistry for Kids in Anchorage. Dr. Chris Coplin and his friendly team provide a wide range of dental care services, from routine exams and fillings to tongue-tie laser treatment. Call (907) 274-2525 today to schedule an appointment with a children’s dentist, or visit their website to learn more about the practice.
