
When toddlers begin attending child care, it’s often the first time they regularly interact with their peers. While many have fun and make friends, bullying can occur, and it’s essential for guardians to prepare their kids for this inevitable situation. Here are some tips to help your child.

4 Ways to Help a Toddler Who Is Being Bullied

1. Ask What Happened

If your child comes home from day care upset, it’s essential to find out what happened. Ask them to calmly share what occurred and who was involved. This will give you a better idea of how to address the issue.

2. Show Your Support

It’s important for your child to know you love them regardless of what happened at day care. Make sure to support them as they share their story and to let them know that you’ll work through it together.

3. Offer Coping Strategies

child careTell your child what to do the next time they are bullied. For example, they may want to report the problem to a teacher right away so the adult can handle the issue.

It’s also important to teach your child to tell the bully to stop. For example, they could tell the bully to stop trying to take their toy and that they’ll share it when they’re done. This lets the other kid know that your child will give them a chance to play, too.

4. Talk to the Teacher

Your child’s view of what occurred with the bully may be different than what the teacher saw. It can be helpful to talk about the bullying with your child care provider. They can tell you if the bully frequently picks on your little one, giving you more insight. At A Rising Star Children’s Center, we teach the children to share, take turns and be kind.  These traits will help them along their way to becoming a good citizen and get along with their peers at school. 


When you need a reliable child care center, contact A Rising Star Children’s Center in Westchester County, NY. They have over 40 years of combined experience, offering compassionate, child-focused classes. Call this Cortlandt Manor child care provider at (914) 788-4582, or visit the website to learn more. 
