
Vaccinations are important aspects of health care for people of all ages. For children, however, the process of being vaccinated may seem a little daunting. While it’s natural for little ones to have some fear of any unfamiliar experience, most are pleasantly surprised to discover how painless vaccinations can be. Here are a few things you can do to help alleviate their concerns.

3 Tips for Conquering Fear of Vaccines in Children

1. Tell Your Child What to Expect

Oftentimes, a child’s fear has more to do with the unknown than the vaccination itself. Never spring a vaccine on your child unexpectedly. Instead, let them know they may need a vaccine on the day of the appointment. Explain that there may be slight discomfort, but that it will be very quick. You can also stress how important vaccines are for optimal health care. Let them know you’ve received yours, too, as children often look up to their parents as an example.

2. Bring a Distraction

health careFor toddlers and younger children, a distraction such as a favorite toy can help keep any fears at bay during the appointment. Babies can also be kept on a parent’s lap as a form of comfort while receiving vaccinations. You might also consider bringing portable activities or entertainment, such as a coloring book or an electronic device with games. In case there’s a brief wait before your child’s appointment, this will help keep their mind busy.

3. Provide Relaxation Tips

If your child is especially anxious about vaccinations, doctor’s visits, or any other health care appointment, you can encourage them to stay calm throughout their visit with some relaxation techniques. Teach them how to use deep breathing, in which they cycle through 3 to 5 deep inhalations and exhalations. You can also bring a stress ball and have them squeeze it just before or during the injection.


As a trusted health care center in Alaska, Fairbanks Clinic, Inc. has been providing compassionate care to patients since 1932. Their pediatric providers know appointments can be unfamiliar experiences for little ones, which is why they aim to create a comforting environment to put children at ease during every visit. Explore their range of medical services for the whole family online or call (907) 452-1761 to schedule an appointment.
