
While it is true that gum disease can have a significant impact on your oral health—leading to inflammation, bone deterioration, and possibly tooth loss—its effects extend much farther than just your mouth. There are many conditions throughout the body that have been linked to periodontitis, which are explored in the guide below. Hopefully, understanding the risks involved will demonstrate why proper oral care is so crucial.

What Health Problems Are Linked to Gum Disease?

1. Diabetes

Diabetes and periodontitis have been linked both ways—diabetes is a risk factor for gum disease while inflammation in the mouth has a negative effect on glycaemic control. This means that periodontitis can affect the body’s ability to control blood sugar levels. Studies have also found that the risk of cardiorenal mortality is three times higher in diabetic people with severe gum disease. This means oral care should be prioritized at all times if you have this condition.

2. Premature & Low-Weight Birth

dentistResearch shows that bacteria from the gums can get into your bloodstream. From there, they can release endotoxins, which can harm fetuses—raising the risk of premature labor or low birth weight. Therefore, while some pregnant women worry about seeing the dentist for fear of the damage dental X-rays can cause, lack of oral care is often worse; instead, just inform your provider of your condition, so they can skip those parts of the exam for now.

3. Heart Disease & Stroke

Those with gum disease are two to three times more likely to have a heart attack or stroke. This stems from the connection between gum and heart disease—as the inflammation in the mouth is thought to cause restriction of the arteries. Alternatively, your body may overwork itself to produce immune cells in response to the gum disease, which then has negative effects in the long term.


The best way to combat gum disease is to practice proper oral care at home and visit your dentist for an exam and routine teeth cleaning twice a year. If you’re looking for a new provider in Lincoln, NE, turn to Genrich Family Dentistry. They offer state-of-the-art laser-assisted dentistry, which targets the bacteria in teeth and gums, then shrinks the inflammation. It is less invasive than other methods and promotes faster healing. Learn more about these and other services online, or call (402) 466-2211 to schedule an appointment. 
