
A septic tank works like a private sewer system, dispersing water waste through the soil and turning solids into sludge that can be removed through pumping. If you’re looking to install a septic system in your home, there are several materials to consider. While concrete and steel were once the only options, today many homeowners are opting for poly septic tanks. Made of polyethylene, a type of plastic, this choice comes with many unique benefits. To help you pick the best kind of unit for your property, here are some of the advantages of this system. 

Benefits of a Poly Septic Tank

1. Resistance to Corrosion & Cracking

Unlike their concrete counterparts, poly septic tanks are resistant to corrosion. Since these units are watertight, they aren’t vulnerable to moisture accumulation that leads to this type of wear. Polyethylene material is also flexible and therefore less prone to cracking. For this reason, these options are more low-maintenance. If your tank does sustain damage, the section can be patched, helping you avoid the need for a new installation. 

2. They’re Nonporous

poly septic tankTypically, septic tanks and their piping can be damaged by tree roots that grow over the area. However, since poly septic systems are nonporous, roots don’t have any access points to cause damage.

3. They’re Lightweight

A poly septic tank is much lighter than one made of concrete. This makes it much easier to not only install them, but also to reposition and level them. This means that if your tank gets disturbed by erosion following a storm, or if you want to change its location, you can do so with reduced labor costs. This also makes them the ideal choice in hilly areas where the land isn’t even.


If you’re in the market for a poly septic tank, look no further than Tri County Systems in Rochester, NY. They pride themselves on efficient repairs and installations. Whether you need septic inspections, drain field repair, or a new unit, they will provide reliable and affordable service. Learn more about what they do online or call (585) 467-2550 to discuss your needs. 
