
Most people don’t know how many calories they should eat each day to lose weight.  In fact, according to a recent online survey of over 1,000 people, over 60% couldn’t accurately estimate the number, 25% wouldn’t even guess the number.  Once you can determine an appropriate calorie range for you to successfully lose weight you can begin forming meals and snacks to support your goal.

The key is to know what’s in the food your consuming! Let’s take a quick look at how your calories can be used.

Comparisons of calories in foods:

1 Slice Angel Food Cake + 1/3 cup Raspberry Sauce = 460 Calories

Instead, you could eat 2 quarts of mixed berries with a large dollop of whipped cream for the same 460 calories. Wow! Not that you would eat that many berries at once but it does show how far your calories will go by choosing a healthier option.

1 Small Fat-Free Cookie = 60 Calories

Instead, ½ of a cantaloupe for the same 60 calories. Which one do you think will be more filling? More nutritious?

1 cup of white rice = 220 calories.  For the same calories you could have 10 cups of cauliflower seasoned with herbs and grated Parmesan cheese. That’s a lot of cauliflower…. how about 2 cups instead, reducing your calories for the day. 

These above examples describe ways to efficiently use your calories, especially important when you are reducing your overall calories to lose weight.  Keeping detailed records of your food intake will help you recognize where the majority of your calories come from and can help with accountability to your calorie reduction plan.

To learn more about your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR), please call our Lincoln, NE weight loss clinic at (402) 483-4770 or our Omaha, NE weight loss clinic at (402) 399-9386 or visit our website at
