
Although there are many logistics to consider for outdoor weddings, one crucial logistical detail is occasionally overlooked until the last minute—the need for a quality lavatory. Here are some guidelines to follow to make sure that you have enough portable toilets to accommodate all the guests on your premises.

Renting Portable Toilets for Your Wedding

Why Should You Rent Portable Toilets?

The perfect outdoor venue for your wedding may not be conveniently located near any inside bathrooms. The most practical solution to your bathroom dilemma is to rent portable toilets. They are easy to situate anywhere, so you won’t have to worry about guests wandering around in an endless search for relief.

What Is the Best Way to Set Up a Portable Toilet?

portable toiletThe key is to place portable toilets in an area where they are relatively obscured. Don’t position them in full view of the ceremony or dining area. Identify potential locations before your portable toilet rentals arrive so that you can control their installation. Think about having them set up behind a bank of trees, for example, or line them up against the wall of a barn or another building on the property.

What Types of Portable Toilets Are Available for Weddings?

There are many options available beyond the standard port-a-potty. If any of your guests need accessible facilities, portable toilet rentals are available to accommodate people in wheelchairs or with walkers. And don’t forget to inquire about another essential—hand-washing stations.

How Many Portable Toilets Should You Rent for Your Wedding?

Think in terms of your head count. Have at least two toilets for every 100 guests in attendance. Consider renting more if your wedding and reception will last more than four hours.


Based in Ironton, OH, the team at Johnny On The Spot specializes in port-a-potty rentals, including accessible and rolling units, if needed. They’re proud to have served customers throughout Ohio, West Virginia, and Kentucky for over 60 years. Visit them online, or call them at (888) 838-7768, to find out more about how Johnny On The Spot can help you make your wedding an event to remember.
