
Whether you back out of your garage every morning or rarely open it, heat buildup may cause it to malfunction during the scorching summer months. Intense sunlight warms the door, its cables, and its sensors, which can keep it from operating properly and cause you a major headache. Here are four ways heat affects your garage door and its components, along with several helpful tips for prevention.

What Does Heat Do to Your Garage Door?

1. Power Surges

Hot, humid summer weather is often accompanied by harsh storms. Strong wind and lightning can lead to power outages and even surges in your home. Protect your garage door from an unexpected surge by plugging it into a heavy-duty surge protector, and make sure you know how to manually open your door in case of an outage.

2. Expansion

Heat causes materials to expand. When the summer sun raises the temperature of your garage, the door and its track can swell. Too much expansion will keep the door from rolling up and down, so consider insulating the door with fresh paint or adding a commercial lubricant to the metal track.

3. Interference

garage doorDirect sunlight can prevent your garage door’s remote opener from working properly. A sunbeam can register as an object that’s blocking the sensor, which will keep a remote from opening the door. If at all possible, make sure your sensors are out of the sun during the hottest hours of the day. If moving them isn’t practical, consider purchasing a box cover to block out some sunlight.

4. Fire Hazards

All electrical wires should be insulated, but extreme temperatures can cause the casing to soften or even melt, which exposes the hot metal conductors inside. Coiled wires add to the hazard because the position of the cables inhibits heat from dissipating into the air. Use heat-shielding wraps or sleeves to prevent melting from sun exposure, and make sure the wires in your garage aren’t overlapping or coiled tightly.


If your garage has seen better days, contact American Garage Door in Kalispell, MT. The dependable company offers 24-hour garage door repairs for your convenience. Their highly trained technicians serve both residential and commercial clients and will make sure your garage door remains fully functional throughout the year. In addition to mechanical repairs, they offer custom door painting and weather sealants in a wide range of colors. Call (406) 752-2662 to speak with a representative, or visit them online for more information about their services.
