
Chronic back pain can be frustrating, and it may often seem like there’s little you can do to alleviate it. Luckily, there are several simple techniques you can implement into your daily routine, and these can add up to help you find relief. Explore the following tips today.

4 Easy Ways to Reduce Back Pain

1. Stretch Regularly

Daily stretching is a proven method to release tight muscles in the back. Start by touching your toes, either seated or standing. Then, practice the cobra pose: Lie prone with your hands at your shoulders and gently lift your chest upwards, engaging your back. Finally, try a spinal twist by lying with your back on the floor, keeping your legs together, and twisting them out to either side. Hold for 30 seconds per side.

2. Wear Supportive Shoes

back painThe kinetic chain is the idea that movement in one part of the body affects other areas. This is especially true among the feet and back: poor arch support can lead to discomfort in the spine. You can reduce back pain by wearing sturdy, supportive shoes and skipping heels or flats whenever possible.

3. Maintain Good Sleep Posture

We often think of the pressure our back sustains while we’re working or exercising, but sleep can take its toll on back tissue, too. Of course, getting seven to eight hours of sleep every night is important to staying healthy, but be sure to keep your back safe while you rest. Keep your neck in line with the rest of your spine with a sturdy pillow, and consider keeping a pillow between your knees for extra support if you’re a side sleeper. Sleeping on your stomach is not recommended for those with back pain, but if you must, situate a pillow beneath your hips to promote proper alignment of the spine. 

4. Minimize Any Stress

When we’re stressed, we tend to hold tension throughout the body. Over time, this tension can result in taut, stiff muscles, especially in the spine. To keep stress at bay, find a healthy practice such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga that helps you unwind and release any tension.


While these simple daily-life hacks can aid in keeping back pain at bay, scheduling a session with a massage therapist will help you heal and put you on the right path to wellness. At The Miracle of Massage in DeKalb County, GA, you’ll enjoy relief from sports injuries, sciatica, and persistent back or neck pain with massage services tailored to your unique needs. Call (678) 883-2873 to schedule an appointment.
