
Often, people who have been living with crooked teeth wonder if it is too late to go through orthodontic treatment. While anyone can have their teeth straightened with traditional braces, many adults are nervous about living with wires and brackets. Fortunately, you can enjoy straighter teeth without a juvenile appearance by talking with your dentist about Invisalign®. Read on to learn about Invisalign and how it can help you. 

Your Invisalign Questions Answered

How Does Invisalign Work? 

Invisalign is an orthodontic technique that uses a series of clear aligners to gently move your teeth into their ideal placement. After taking digital impressions of your teeth, dentists feed the information into a computer program that calculates where the teeth should sit. Next, this information is sent to a lab, where your trays are fabricated. Invisalign trays are completely clear and designed to sit snugly against your teeth, making them barely noticeable. 

How Many Trays Will I Need? 

After wearing an Invisalign tray for two weeks, you will be given a new tray that moves your teeth further into their desired position. The number of trays you need depends largely on the orthodontic condition of your smile when treatment starts. Patients with more complex issues, like bite problems or significantly tipped teeth, may require more trays than others. 

Are Aligners Removable? 

dentistUnlike other types of orthodontic treatments, Invisalign trays are completely removable, making it easier for patients to eat, brush, and floss. In fact, because aligners only need to be worn for 20-22 hours a day, some patients choose to take them out for things like dates or big presentations. Aligners also aren’t worn during eating, which makes keeping them clean a lot simpler. 

How Long Will Treatment Take? 

Invisalign is faster than other orthodontic treatments, taking an average of between 12 and 18 months. However, the length of your treatment time will depend on your compliance with wearing aligners and your individual smile. Talk with your dentist about what kind of treatment timeline to expect. 


If you are thinking about improving your appearance and bite with the help of orthodontic treatment, turn to Charles P. Debbane, DDS and Laura M. Arnold, DDS. In addition to offering a comprehensive array of general dental services including root canals, crown placement, and preventative checkups, these experienced family dentists also offer Invisalign. Find out more about how they can help by visiting the website or calling (513) 887-6654.
