
Until your children are responsible enough to brush and floss properly without being told, it’s up to you to stay on top of their oral hygiene. And even though your kids are going to lose their first set of teeth, preventing cavities is essential for ensuring a healthy smile that lasts a lifetime. Infections and decay in the baby teeth can actually damage the underlying adult teeth. Thankfully, you can protect them by keeping the following tips in mind. 


Ask about dental sealants.

A dental sealant is a thin coating of plastic that covers the chewing surface of a tooth. This safe substance adheres to every nook and cranny, thereby preventing food particles from getting stuck. Dentists usually recommend applying sealants to a child’s back molars, which are especially vulnerable to cavities because they're hard to reach when brushing and flossing. 

Make brushing a family activity. 

Kids are inclined to mimic their parents, so set a good example by practicing good oral hygiene habits yourself. In fact, you can make brushing and flossing a family activity. Put on a fun, two-minute song on to make sure you’re brushing the right amount of time and give everyone a dab of toothpaste. Follow up with flossing and the whole family will have luminous pearly whites. 


Send children to bed with a bottle.

oral hygieneSipping on milk or juice may be soothing at bedtime, but it can wreak havoc on your children’s teeth. When kids fall asleep right after having a bottle, their teeth remain coated in sugar. Bacteria then feed on this sugar, producing acid that contributes to the decay process

Consume too many sweet treats.

While the occasional piece of candy or glass of soda is okay, it’s wise to limit your children’s sugar consumption to avoid cavities. Don’t forget that even healthy snacks, like fruit, can be loaded with sugar, so always serve them with a glass of water to help rinse out the mouth afterward. 


In addition to following the above tips, you can help your children develop good oral hygiene habits by taking them to the dentist regularly. If anyone in your family is overdue for a teeth cleaning, head to Mammoth Spring Dental Clinic in Mammoth Springs, AR. They serve clients in surrounding areas, including Fulton, Sharp, and Hempstead counties, AR, and Oregon and Howell counties, MO. For the past three decades, families have been turning to this full-service practice for comprehensive oral health care. They stay up-to-date on all the latest advancements in their field and maintain a state-of-the-art facility. To make an appointment, call (870) 625-3262 or send them a message on their website.
