
If your home has a septic system, it will be helpful to fully understand how it works. With the right knowledge, you’ll be able to spot issues with specific components and intelligently discuss the system with a septic professional. Here’s what you need to know. 

4 Septic System Components You Should Know 

1. Drain Line

Your home’s septic system depends on the drain line. This part is connected to the plumbing system. When you flush the toilet or send water down the drain, the substances move through the pipes and into the drain line. When this part is clear, the liquids and solids then move into the septic tank.

2. Septic Tank

septic systemThe tank is the main part of the system, and it’s involved in the next step in the waste removal process. The waste from your home’s pipes flows into the tank. Next, the solid waste moves to the bottom and turns into sludge; then, the liquid waste floats to the top. After this separation, the liquid substances move toward the distribution box.

3. Distribution Box

The system’s distribution box filters the waste before it flows into the drain field. When the box is working properly, it separates the liquid into layers and allows it to distribute evenly. Otherwise, the liquid will flow through the same channel and create pools in the drain field.

4. Drain Field

Also called the leach field, this component is the site where the liquid wastewater accumulates. The soil in the drain field naturally filters the waste, and bacteria from the tank cleans the water, as well. Most drain fields have layers of dirt and gravel to help with the filtering process. The water becomes part of the groundwater again once it filters through. If it doesn’t filter properly, the drain field will flood. 


If you have a home septic system, you need reliable professionals on your side. The team at Mark Cromley Septic & Excavation Service offers septic maintenance and repair services to the residents of Union County, PA. Whether you need a new tank or require maintenance for your existing system, these professionals will get the job done. Visit them online or call (570) 524-0249 to learn more about their services. 
