
People often draw on multiple treatment strategies to recover from their addictions. One helpful addition to an addiction treatment program is to practice mindfulness. Learn how mindfulness can help with your addiction to further your recovery.

Using Mindfulness in Addiction Treatment

What is Mindfulness?

addiction treatmentMindfulness is a state of mental awareness that is often associated with meditation. You can practice mindfulness by focusing on the breath—whether in a yoga practice, a meditation retreat, or just a few minutes of stillness whenever you’re feeling stressed. When you focus on the present moment, you’ll become aware of both your surroundings and your response to those surroundings, while keeping yourself at an emotional distance from those potential triggers. This process quiets the mental chaos that often leads people to use drugs or alcohol. Mindfulness fosters the tranquility that you need to avoid the pull towards escaping reality with drugs.

How to Practice Mindfulness for Your Addiction Treatment 

In a mindfulness meditation practice, you’ll focus on the experience of the moment, such as the sounds, smell, taste and scenery around you. This attention gives you the opportunity to take pleasure in the world around you, helping you become less dependent on drugs to enjoy life. You’ll also become more aware of your reactions to your environment, which can help you understand what triggers your drug or alcohol use. You’ll then be able to use this self-understanding to respond differently in the future with a focus on your addiction treatment.

You can start small, perhaps meditating for five minutes a day. To start, sit in stillness and simply be present. If you find your mind wandering to your to-do list or anxiety about an upcoming event, refocus your attention to the present moment. Focus on your breath, taking slow inhalations through your nostrils and exhalations through your mouth. Think about how your breath feels as it enters and exits your body, how it sustains you, and how you can control and regulate your breathing. Do this practice every time you feel stressed or start feeling the need to use. Be aware that your thoughts are only thoughts, and that you can redirect your energy away from the harmful, self-destructive drive that can fuel drug addiction.


If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, you’ll want a comprehensive addiction treatment program to help get you clean. NorthKey Community Care provides top-notch substance abuse counseling for people of all income levels throughout the eight-county Northern Kentucky region. They will provide the resources and support that you need to rebuild your life. Learn more about their substance abuse services online and call (859) 331-3292 to schedule an appointment.
