
As many as 92% of American adults have at least one cavity in their lifetime. Just because cavities are common, however, doesn’t mean they’re harmless; if left untreated, they can have serious consequences ranging from toothaches to tooth loss. Thankfully, they’re also avoidable with strategies like proper teeth cleaning. To help you protect your smile with confidence, here’s what you should know about cavity formation and prevention. 

What Causes Cavities?

Cavities occur when the tough outer layer of teeth — known as enamel —decays. For the most part, enamel wear is caused by plaque—a colorless film of bacteria that adheres to teeth. The bacteria in plaque consume the sugars you eat and produce acids as a result. These acids gradually wear through enamel until a hole, or cavity, forms. If caught in the very early stages, professional fluoride treatments can sometimes restore the enamel. However, most people don’t notice that they have a cavity until they feel pain or increased sensitivity, by which point they may require a filling. Crowns, root canals, and complete extractions may be necessary for more advanced stages. 

How Can You Prevent Cavities?

teeth cleaningThere are many steps you can take to protect your teeth, including: 

  • Proper Oral Hygiene: The best way to prevent decay is to brush your teeth and gums for two minutes twice a day and floss once daily. This at-home teeth cleaning helps remove cavity-causing plaque and food debris. Rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash will also kill lingering harmful oral bacteria.  

  • Smart Food & Drink Choices: Oral bacteria feed on all types of sugars. Avoid excess consumption of candy to minimize bacterial acids. Eat calcium-rich sources instead, like milk, yogurt, and leafy greens. Drink plenty of water to encourage saliva production and help wash bacteria away. 

  • Regular Dental Visits: Visit your dentist every six months for routine teeth cleanings. Using special tools and techniques, these providers will remove tough plaque and tartar buildup that standard brushing and flossing can’t clear. They’ll also evaluate your teeth for minor cavities and provide treatment to protect them from growing worse.


Reducing your cavity risk is easy when you’re a patient of Family First Dentistry in Anchorage, AK. Staffed by skilled dentists, this team offers stress-free teeth cleaning to keep your smile healthy. When problems do arise, you can count on these professionals to deliver comprehensive care to defend your oral health, including emergency root canals and wisdom teeth removals. They also offer sedation dentistry services to help you feel at ease during your visit. To learn more about these affordable and convenient services, visit this dental clinic online. For appointments, call (907) 562-2820.
