
Pregnancy has a profound impact on the entire body, including the mouth. A number of oral health issues can arise during pregnancy. Luckily, most are easy to address. With proper teeth cleaning and in-office care, you can manage and resolve any problems before they become a more serious oral health issue. Here’s what every expectant mother should know. 

Common Oral Health Issues in Pregnancy

1. Gingivitis

Gingivitis precedes gum disease, a damaging infection that can eventually lead to tooth loss. As plaque builds up along the gum line, gums will appear red and swollen, bleed easily, or recede from the teeth. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can increase the likelihood of gingivitis, which is why it’s important to stay on top of teeth cleaning at home through proper brushing and flossing. You may also need to schedule more frequent in-office cleanings. 

2. Increased Risk of Tooth Decay

teeth cleaningDietary changes related to pregnancy, such as carbohydrate cravings, can increase the likelihood of tooth decay. Morning sickness and other side effects can also contribute to enamel erosion. Routine teeth cleaning can eliminate bacteria and food particles, but a healthy diet will limit the sugars on which they feed and provide essential nutrients and minerals. Speak with your nutritionist or doctor about foods to eliminate, such as processed sweets and acidic fruits, and foods that can strengthen enamel, such as calcium-rich dairy and dark leafy greens.

3. Tumors

During the second trimester, overgrowths of tissue can form between teeth. While not typically cancerous or malignant, these tumors can bleed regularly and be uncomfortable. Most disappear on their own after delivery, though you should still let your dentist know about them. Stay on top of brushing and flossing to prevent plaque—often a contributing factor—from building up.


Communicating with your dentist during pregnancy is critical for your health. For all your oral health needs, turn to the team at Family First Dentistry. This family-friendly team proudly serves Anchorage, AK, and surrounding communities. An emergency dentist is always available when the unexpected occurs. Call (907) 562-2820 to schedule a teeth cleaning and visit their website to learn more about the practice. You can connect on Facebook for news and updates.
