
Whether you want to reduce your carbon footprint or create a more efficient home, solar energy may be the answer. With the proper equipment and setup, it can help reduce utility costs. To determine if this is the right update for your home, use the guide below to learn how the solar power system works.

How Do Solar Panels Work?

Photovoltaic solar panels are made of numerous silicon cells, which act as semiconductors. They are built using positive and negative layers that create an electric field similar to the batteries in electronic devices. When photons hit these cells, electrons are knocked free from their atoms and flow through the circuits created by the negative and positive energy field.

Solar panels placed on the roof absorb the sun’s energy and convert it into direct current (DC) energy. Once collected, DC energy is transformed into a usable alternating current (AC), which is then transferred to the home’s electrical system. This energy is distributed through the system to power the home’s demand, with any excess electricity will be back fed onto the grid.  This process is called “net metering”.  Essentially, you’re using the grid for your battery storage.  

What Are Electricity Grids?

solar energyThe electricity grid is connected to a utility meter that measures how much energy a home requires. When adapting to solar power, most homeowners use net metering with their energy supplier. This enables them to send extra power to the grid on days where the sun is overproducing, which then credits the home when it needs it most — at night or during poor weather. Think of the meter as a free storage solution for the solar energy gathered during sunny weather and low-usage days.


If you’re looking for ways to infuse solar energy into your home or business, talk to the professionals at Star City Solar in Miamisburg, OH. For the last decade, this company has provided business owners and homeowners with the solutions they need to generate clean energy and power their lives. To learn more about how they can help you make your home more efficient, visit them online or call (937) 572-5497.
