
Aside from being a stressful and emotional experience, divorce can also cause logistical challenges. One unexpected issue for many couples is figuring out what to do about their auto insurance. If the spouses own their vehicles and policies jointly, they will need to update their coverage as soon as possible. If you are going through a divorce, here is some insight on how your auto insurance could be affected. 

How Auto Insurance Changes After a Divorce 

One Spouse Should Be Removed From the Policy 

Once you finalize your divorce, you have to tell your insurance company which spouse to remove from the policy. Separating your policies ensures you won’t be liable for your ex’s future claims, which would otherwise impact your coverage. Note that insurers require consent from the removed party to prevent the penalties that would accrue from an unknown lapse in coverage.

Coverage Costs Will Change 

auto insuranceAfter separating your policies, you will likely no longer be eligible for some of the discounts you received while you were married, like multi-car or bundling policies. Your costs may also change if you move after the divorce, depending on your new neighborhood’s population and crime rates. Make sure to compare several plans to find the best coverage for you going forward.

Teen Drivers Must Be Insured

If you have teen drivers, you will need to decide how they will be insured as well. They are often put on the custodial parent’s policy unless they have separate coverage. If you and your ex-spouse have joint custody, your children should be listed either on both parent’s policies, or whichever one keeps the vehicle the teen typically drives.


Divorce isn’t easy, even when it occurs on amicable terms, so the professionals at Cundiff & Company Insurance take the time to explain your new auto insurance options. They assess your lifestyle and finances to customize a policy that fits your needs. With more than four decades of experience, they’ve earned a solid reputation for providing residents in and around Somerset, KY, with quality products at affordable prices. Call (606) 679-8379 to shop for coverage or visit them online to request a quote.
