
A grave marker or headstone is a permanent fixture designed to honor those that have passed on. If you’re choosing the words or images for a loved one’s gravestone, select an engraving that will stand the test of time. Here are a few tips to help take the stress out of the process.

Considerations for Choosing an Engraving

1. Don’t Rush

While funerals generally have to be planned within a finite amount of time, choosing a grave marker and having it engraved can be done on your own schedule. If you’re unsure of what to put, take a couple of months to consider the options and develop an appropriate message.

2. Organize the Information

The number of lines available for text will ultimately depend on the type of headstone you order. In general, the name will take up the largest and uppermost line, followed by dates and descriptive text such as “Beloved Mother.” If you have additional lines, consider using them for an epitaph.

headstone3. Stick to Simplicity

Ideally, a headstone should deliver information clearly. Otherwise, the marker may become too crowded with text. If you’re trying to express a complex thought, spend time editing it to make it as simple as possible.

4. Honor the Deceased’s Originality

If you have extra space for an epitaph or other personalized text, think about what your loved one would want to say to the world.  For example, many families choose to highlight a short, meaningful quote or song lyric. Others may opt to put the deceased’s nickname in quotation marks.

5. Consider Symbolic Imagery

Today, engravers can etch a variety of customized symbols on headstones. Common options include religious, military, and professional symbols such as crosses, crests, animals, motorcycles, or hearts. These can help convey what was important to the individual and their personality without taking a great deal of space on the grave marker.


When it comes to crafting special grave markers and headstones, Fort Worth Monument has the resources to make the process as smooth as possible. Providing custom monuments in Tarrant County, TX, since 1936, this team is recognized for their personalized assistance at every stage — from selecting the material to designing the text. To see examples of their precision work or learn more about their services, visit the monument supplier online. For help placing an order, call (817) 625-2721 to speak with a friendly associate.
