
Driving is an essential skill on the golf course and requires a concerted effort to ensure accurate results. Here are a few tweaks to incorporate into your process that can make a huge difference. 

How to Improve Your Drive When Playing Golf

1. Correct Your Slice

Slicing, which dramatically curves the ball in the opposite direction of your dominant hand, is a habit that can be hard to break. The positioning of your right shoulder (if you’re right-handed) has a lot to do with slicing. Instead of bringing your shoulder down toward the ball on the downswing, keep it back to prevent your body from pivoting. This allows your club to carve a straight path toward the ball by keeping the club in line with your body. 

2. Stop Slouching

To get enough power on the ball, your back must be straight when driving. Slouching curves your spine, which leads to a weak swing that falls well short of your target. It can also strain your back, wearing you down during the course of a game. Instead, straighten your back as much as possible to generate the maximum amount of power and help maintain the intended path when swinging your driver. 

3. Make Sure Tee Height Is Correct

golf courseTee height is an often overlooked factor when driving. The perfect height for you depends on the dimensions of your driver. First, find the sweet spot. Look at your club face and locate the center. The sweet spot is located just above and left of this area, going toward the far edge of the club face. Place the tee so it’s just above your driver’s sweet spot to ensure you make contact in the right area without hitting the green. 


Practice driving while enjoying the beauty of Waikoloa Village Golf Club. This lush golf course offers a picturesque view of Hawaii’s Kohala Coast as well as challenging features and accommodating landing areas off the tee to suit players of all skill levels. Reserve your spot at this renowned golf course by calling (808) 883-9621 or visiting them online
