
While summertime is always fun, it can also harm your skin. Sun and heat mean an increased risk of burns and clogged pores due to sweating. Follow the health care tips below to maintain a summertime glow and ward off damage. 

A Guide to Maintaining Your Skin During Summer

1. Use Sun Protection

Exposure to ultraviolet rays is linked to an increased risk of skin cancer — a health care threat that impacts more than three million Americans annually. UV rays also speed signs of aging, such as wrinkles, loss of skin elasticity, and dark patches. Use an SPF sunscreen of at least 30, applying it 30 minutes before you go outside to allow the active ingredients to bond to your skin. If you want to tan, consider sunless tanning options.  Don’t forget - always check the expiration date!  

2. Revamp Your Skin Care Products

health careSummer heat will have you sweating more than usual, increasing the chances of clogged pores and making you more prone to breakouts. Switch to a more astringent or acidic cleanser to tackle the extra oils. If you normally use a heavy moisturizer in the winter, opt for a lighter one this time of year. It’s more humid, and you don’t have to combat the dry air that comes with indoor heating, so a lighter lotion will keep you moisturized without clogging your pores.

3. Nourish Your Skin From the Inside

Increased sweating in summer makes you more prone to dehydration. On the one hand, this is a health care issue — dehydration can lead to serious complications, including seizures and kidney problems. On the other hand, it makes your skin look dull and flaky. Feed your body, including your skin, the moisture it needs by drinking at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day.

If you find yourself suffering from dehydration, a serious sunburn, or another summer health care issue, trust Covenant Hospital Levelland in Hockley County, TX, to help. Their professionals have been providing top-quality health care since 1971. They focus on providing state-of-the-art technology in a friendly environment. Review their full list of services online. For an appointment, call a staff member at (806) 894-4963.
