
If you have noticed bulging or discolored leg veins, you may be worried about what this means for your health. Many patients seek medical treatment for their varicose veins because of their appearance, but there are also health effects that can develop from this condition. Here's what you need to know to decide on a course of treatment for yourself.

FAQ About Varicose Leg Veins

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are blood vessels, most commonly on the legs, which are raised from the skin surface. They may show red or blue discoloration. While they are often harmless, they can be associated with swelling, pain, cramps, itching, tenderness, and bleeding.

What causes varicose veins?

leg veinsYour blood vessels are equipped with small valves to ensure blood only flows in one direction through your circulatory system—out toward your extremities through one set of blood vessels and back to the heart through another. When the valves controlling this flow are weakened, blood may begin to accumulate in the leg veins instead of running back to the heart, increasing pressure on them. This causes the walls of the blood vessel to bulge; since they are being held in place by muscle on most sides, the easiest way for them to expand is out from the skin.

Who gets varicose veins?

Varicose veins are common in adults, regardless of gender. A study found that roughly a third of men and women between the ages of 18 and 64 experienced varicose veins. Men were slightly more likely to have a mild form, while men and women had about the same rates of more severe varicose veins.

How are varicose veins treated?

Regular exercise, a healthy diet, loose clothes, and supportive shoes can help improve the underlying circulatory issues that result in varicose veins. Doctors sometimes also prescribe prescription-strength compression stocking to help improve circulation. To address the veins themselves, a noninvasive laser skin treatment is available, or you may need surgical intervention.


If you're experiencing varicose leg veins or have other concerns about your skin, visit Emerald City Medical Arts in Seattle, WA. Serving King County, their medical facility uses advanced equipment and treatment options to provide quality medical care to your entire family. To schedule an appointment and receive their comprehensive, community-based services, visit them online or call (206) 281-1616 today.
