
Although many senior citizens have dentures, total tooth loss isn’t inevitable. If you take care of your pearly whites, you can keep smiling well into your golden years. Here are just a few tips for protecting your teeth, tongue, and gums as you age. 

3 Dental Care Tips for Seniors 

1. Combat Dry Mouth 

Saliva serves a critical role in cavity prevention by rinsing away bacteria that might otherwise cause decay. Unfortunately, many seniors suffer from dry mouth. Various medications, health conditions, and cancer treatments can prevent the mouth from producing enough saliva to protect the teeth. To combat this, sip water throughout the day, breathe through your nose, and chew on sugarless gum or suck on sugarless hard candy. You should also avoid using mouthwash that contains alcohol as it will exacerbate the problem. 

2. Use an Electric Toothbrush 

denturesPeople of all ages can benefit from the deep clean that electric toothbrushes provide. They’re especially helpful for seniors, because the brush does virtually all the work. In other words, even those with arthritis can brush away plaque and tartar without any trouble. If you wear upper or lower dentures, take them out before brushing your remaining teeth. Traditional bristles and toothpaste are too abrasive for dentures, which require specially formulated products for cleaning. 

3. Quit Smoking 

Seniors can be especially stubborn when it comes to quitting smoking. After all, many elderly individuals have been doing it for decades. According to the National Institute on Aging, quitting smoking can add years to your life, no matter how old you are. It can also improve your oral health significantly by reducing the risk of conditions like mouth cancer and gum disease. 


In addition to following the above tips, seniors who want to protect their teeth should schedule regular cleanings and exams. If you’re due for a visit to the dentist, turn to Revercomb Dental Group in Onondaga County, NY. For more than 40 years, this locally owned and operated practice has been providing comprehensive care for patients of all ages, including denture fittings. To learn about their staff, visit their website. To schedule your complimentary consultation, call (315) 682-8400.
