
It’s not unusual for vehicles to suffer transmission failure. This vital component is designed to direct power from the engine to the wheels so that your car can run efficiently. It’s smart to be aware of the key signs that are indicative of a problem so that you can visit an auto repair technician for prompt transmission service. Here are three symptoms you should know.

How Can You Tell the Transmission Is Failing?

1. Fluid Leaks

Transmission fluid may leak if there’s a problem that needs professional attention. The fluid is red, bright, and sometimes sweet in scent. If you notice even a drop, it’s important to contact an auto repair technician to assess the issue swiftly. The fluid is designed to lubricate the part’s many components, promote efficient cooling, and protect the metal from premature wear. Because cars don’t use up the transmission fluid, any visible liquid is nearly always indicative of a leak.

2. Warning Lights

St. Louis, MO auto repairMany modern vehicles are equipped with dashboard lights that alert you to a problem. Built-in sensors are designed to detect changes in the temperature of the transmission fluid. If it’s too hot, then the lights will activate. Consider this a warning to visit an auto repair professional as soon as possible, as driving a car with a damaged transmission can cause worn metal shavings to infiltrate the fluids. This can aggravate the problem and may lead to even costlier repairs.

3. Strange Noises

It’s smart to avoid driving the car if it emits an unusual noise. Cars with manual transmissions may produce a grinding noise when shifting from one gear to another. Automatic transmissions may cause the car to whine or buzz when you change gears. The sounds may start abruptly or may develop over time until they become continuous.  


Is your vehicle sounding, driving, or behaving otherwise differently lately? Don’t delay—allow an auto repair professional at Precision Import Auto Service to take a look. Based in St. Louis, MO, these qualified, ASE®-certified technicians are committed to getting you back on the road safely. Whether your car requires transmission service, brake service, or general auto maintenance, it’s in great hands with this highly experienced team. Visit them online for details or call (314) 842-1970.
