
Ingrown toenails could cause serious infections and make daily activities—from walking around the office to going to the gym—painful and uncomfortable. While it may be tempting to fix the issue yourself, ingrown toenails should always be addressed by a podiatrist. Below is more information about ingrown toenails, what causes them, and how to prevent problems in the future. 

Recognizing & Treating Ingrown Toenails

What Causes Ingrown Toenails? 

Commonly caused by improperly fitting shoes, incorrect nail trimming, trauma, or simple genetics, ingrown toenails occur when the side of the nail grows sideways into the skin surrounding the nail, causing pain, swelling, redness, and even infection. If you struggle with ingrown toenails, you can prevent the condition by working with your podiatrist to select appropriate footwear, always cutting your toenails straight across with a slightly rounded corner, and wearing socks with your shoes as much as possible. 

Should You Fix Ingrown Toenails By Yourself? 

podiatristWhen ingrown toenails occur, you may be tempted to try to remedy the injury on your own. However, since the nail can become ingrown on the entire side of your toe, it can be painful to try to fix the nail yourself. Additionally, the nail could harbor fungus, which can be difficult to get rid of on your own.

It’s best to consult with a podiatrist, as these professionals are trained to fix the issue with as little pain and complications as possible. After evaluating your toe and the nail, podiatrists can numb the area and trim the nail. If repeated ingrown toenails are a problem, professionals can even cauterize a perimeter around the toenail, preventing it from becoming ingrown.



Stop foot pain in its tracks by working with the podiatrists at Eastern CT Foot Specialists. For more than 25 years, these foot specialists have been committed to helping people throughout the greater Norwich and North Windham areas, to tackle their foot, ankle, and toenail problems, helping people to protect their mobility, comfort, and ability to exercise safely. Learn more about their treatments by visiting their website or calling their Norwich office at (860) 887-3538 or their North Windham location at (860) 456-9593.
