
If your home feels too small, you may need to get rid of some items or put them in storage. A cluttered space can leave you feeling anxious, overwhelmed, and stressed. However, decluttering your home doesn’t have to be a difficult process. Here are a few tips to get started.

A Guide to Decluttering Your House

1. Throw Away Any Obvious Garbage

Walk through your home with a trash bag and grab any obvious garbage, such as boxes, cans, and receipts. Next, open up drawers and cabinets and throw away any items that stand out as belongings you can part with. Target problem areas, such as tables and junk drawers.

2. Sort the Items

StorageGrab a few bins to help you stay organized as you go through each room. Get one bin for objects you want to keep—but don’t belong where you found them—another for items you want to sell or donate, and one for belongings that can be put in storage. During this process, keep a trash bag with you in case you find more items you want to throw away. If you can’t decide what to do with an object, ask yourself whether you’ve used it lately. If it’s been more than a year, it’s likely an item you don’t need. 

3. Clean the Closets

Closets are often utilized to store items we no longer use. When clearing them out, avoid holding onto items you don’t use or wear. Try on clothes to see what still fits, and get rid of shoes you rarely put on. As you empty out the closet, make designated piles for items you want to keep, toss, and donate. Also, place seasonal clothing in bins to store until the appropriate season. This will free up even more space in your closet.


When you need a storage unit for the items you want to keep but don’t have room for, contact Advantage Storage- Flower Mound in Denton County, TX. They offer month-to-month leases and climate-controlled storage spaces. No matter what size unit you’re looking for, you’ll find one that works for you. Visit their website to learn more about their facilities, or call (972) 212-5225 to speak to a member of their team. 
