
You’re at the sink when the unthinkable happens—the wedding ring you put on the counter so you could attend to the dishes goes sailing down the drain. As devastated as you might be, don’t panic. The guide below offers advice for how to retrieve it from your residential plumbing

How to Recover a Ring From the Sink

1. Turn Off the Water

Turn off the water to prevent the ring from going further into your pipes. Make sure the garbage disposal is powered off. If you know the ring is just below the drain, grab some needle-nosed pliers to carefully get it out.

2. Use a Magnet

If the pliers don’t work or it’s a little far to reach, you can try a small magnet. This approach will draw the metal from your jewelry closer for an easier grab. Attach the magnet to a string that can be dangled inside the drain. However, most precious metals—including silver and gold—are not magnetized, so this approach may be unsuccessful.

3. Check the P-Trap

residential plumbingLook under your sink for the curved pipe call the P-Trap that catches items before they make their way deeper into your residential plumbing. Locate the access plug, place a bucket underneath to catch water and other debris, and search for your jewelry. Unfortunately, some newer models of sink don’t have a P-Trap, in which case, proceed to the next step.

4. Call for Help

When your attempts at finding your ring have failed or you don’t feel secure in taking apart components, call a residential plumbing contractor. They will have the right tools and knowledge to locate your missing jewelry. A professional will also ensure that no damage occurs to your system during the search.


If you need help from a drain professional to retrieve your wedding ring, trust Holmes Sewer & Drain in Lincoln, NE. This licensed commercial and residential plumbing company brings more than 30 years of experience to every clogged drain or water heater installation. For a full list of services, visit them online. Read reviews from happy customers on Google. To make an appointment, call (402) 432-6312.
