
Affecting around 22 million Americanssleep apnea is a common disorder that affects a person’s breathing as they sleep. This condition causes many symptoms, which keep both people who have it and their partners awake at night. If you experience this, you may look for ways to prevent symptoms from arising. To help you find relief, here’s more information about sleep apnea and how your family dentist will help you manage it.

What Sleep Apnea Is

There are two types of this condition, but the most common is obstructive sleep apnea, which occurs due to airway obstruction. Muscles in the back of the throat tend to relax during sleep, which causes a narrowing of the airways. Obesity is a common cause, as excessive weight causes airways to narrow further.

Symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea include excessive snoring, daytime fatigue, nighttime teeth grinding, morning headaches, dry mouth, and restlessness. You may also wake up in the middle of the night feeling like you’re gasping for air. 

How a Dentist Will Help 

Sleep Apnea

A sleep test can confirm whether you have sleep apnea. These are conducted in lab settings or the comfort of your home to monitor your sleep patterns and identify issues. Once you’ve been diagnosed, dentists can offer treatments for your symptoms. To manage snoring and grinding, they can fit you with an oral device known as a mouth guard. This tool covers your teeth to protect your enamel and help you avoid damage to the jaw bone due to excessive grinding. An oral device can also keep your jaw open to maintain your airways unobstructed, improving the quality of your sleep.


If you have sleep apnea, visit the dentists at Riviera Dental Care P.C. in Foley, AL. They use the innovative SomnoDent MAS device, a custom oral device that allows you to open and close your mouth with ease while protecting your teeth from damage. They also provide a range of essential dental services, including cleanings and root canal therapy. Learn more about their sleep apnea treatment online or call (251) 943-3368 to schedule an appointment. 
