
Sleep is essential to a healthy lifestyle no matter how old you are, but it is especially crucial for preschool-aged children. It sets the tone for the day and impacts brain function, helping them to excel in their classes. Below, you’ll learn more about the role a restful night plays when it comes to their overall well-being and how you can help them achieve it.

Why It Matters

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, preschool-aged children need between 10-13 hours of sleep each night. Further research proves that it influences attention, memory, problem-solving and decision-making—which are all important for the classroom.

Physically, those who do not get enough rest will be fatigued. Long-term tiredness may begin to affect their immune system and ability to grow. Meanwhile, there are emotional ramifications as well. Sleep-deprived kids are less social, more likely to be uninterested in activities, and may even experience anxiety or depression.

Steps for Better Sleep

preschoolThe road to better sleep starts with basic lifestyle changes. Encourage them to exercise and play throughout the day to burn energy. Then, establish a wind-down period as soon as the sun sets. Dim the lights and limit electronics. The blue light emitted from TVs, cell phone screens, and other devices has a negative effect on the body’s ability to fall asleep. Instead, read with your child or enjoy a warm bath. Keep to a schedule. It can take some getting used to, but as your child adjusts, you’ll notice they sleep longer and deeper throughout the night.


Is your child ready to start preschool? Reach out to the professionals at Palm Academy in Fremont, CA. Since 2006, they’ve strived to increase their students’ chances of future success—focusing on early childhood education, STEAM, and after-school programs—all of which you can learn more about on their website. Call (510) 979-9794 to speak with their preschool admissions office.
