
From a distance, raccoons look as cuddly cats. Unfortunately, the species isn't domesticated, which presents a whole host of issues when bringing them indoors. If you think the animal will make an excellent pet, here's why raccoon removal is the wiser choice.

Why Raccoons Aren't Good Pets

It's important to remember that raccoons are wild animals, so they're not used to being handled by humans or confined indoors. Attempting to handle a raccoon can result in a bite, which is how the rabies virus spreads to humans. They're also messy eaters and destructive to both furnishings and structural home elements.

Unlike cats and dogs, raccoons aren't responsive to house training. Unfortunately, this puts everyone in your home at risk for health issues. Their feces carry parasites, like Raccoon Roundworm, and it easily spreads infectious diseases like Giardiasis and Leptospirosis. Such risks are why raccoon removal is the best option.

What to Do If You See a Raccoon Near Your Home

raccoon removalRaccoons have two main focuses in life: food and shelter. The former often leads them to garbage cans and trash storage as well as pet food left outdoors. While these bring them close to your property, their search for shelter may bring them indoors. The species is particularly drawn to attics and chimneys, which they access through trees or climbing nearby structures, like a garage.

In both interior and exterior sightings, there are dangers involved. For that reason, you need to schedule professional raccoon removal. While you wait for the wildlife expert, avoid interacting with the animal. Instead, keep your family and pets indoors and away from the pest's location.


Raccoon invasion? Contact the team at American Bio-Tech Wildlife Services in Litchfield County, CT. The wildlife control business is owned and operated by a wildlife biologist who is committed to humane home animal removal methods. Not only does the skilled team trap and relocate the pest, but they also take the necessary steps to prevent the issue from reoccurring. Visit the company online to learn more about the raccoon removal process, and request professional assistance today at (860) 355-1231.
