
You depend on your furnace to keep your home warm and comfortable, so it can be particularly jarring if it stops working. Waiting for a furnace repair specialist is not ideal when you’re shivering in the middle of the night after an unexpected breakdown, so stay ahead of the game by recognizing the causes of these issues to protect yourself from this inconvenience.

Top Causes of Furnace Breakdowns

1. Dirty or Clogged Filters

A little dust or dirt may not seem like a problem, but excessive amounts can clog your filters and prevent air flow. This blockage can make the furnace work harder, straining the system as well as your bank account after receiving the heating bill. SFurnace Repairwitch out the air filter at least once every three months, or more often if you have pets or use the furnace excessively. Contact a furnace repair service to perform a yearly maintenance check as well to ensure its smooth functioning.

2. Blower Issues

The blower should push the warm air throughout the home according to your thermostat settings, but if the air isn’t circulating or is running continuously, there may be something wrong with the system. You may need to replace the blower belt, limit switch or the motor itself, all of which can be diagnosed and likely fixed by a furnace repair specialist.

3. Pilot Light Failure

If the pilot light goes out, the gas cannot ignite the burners that produce the heat to warm your home. You can often relight a pilot light with a long barbecue lighter or fireplace match, but if that doesn’t work there may be a bigger problem with the ignition system. If you have repeated issues with the pilot light, the situation may require a service professional to fix the problem.

If you’re looking for a reliable furnace repair service, get in touch with Gary’s Repair & Burner Service. Located in Fairbanks, AK, their experienced technicians fix furnaces, burners, and boilers of all makes and models. Whether you need a simple seasonal tune-up or a full furnace replacement, they offer affordable and efficient solutions. Visit their website for a list of their services, and call (907) 474-0736 for a free estimate.
