
Moving to college is an exciting time, but packing up your childhood bedroom can bring on a mix of feelings. You’ll need to sort through all of the belongings in the room, decide what to pack and what to leave behind, and schedule a trash service for the items it’s time to get rid of.  To help you stay organized as you sort, pack, donate, and throw away, below are a few tips.

How to Clean Out a Childhood Bedroom

1. Make Piles

Trash ServiceWhen cleaning, it’ll be easier to keep track of everything if you assign each item to a specific pile. For belongings that you aren’t ready to part ways with, put them in either the pack or keep pile. Any items that you don’t need anymore should be split into a trash or donate pile. If you are leaving behind clothes that are still in good condition but you don’t wear anymore, donate them so they can continue to be used. However, worn out shoes, old candles, and similar items are best left in the trash.

2. Consider a Yard Sale

Before donating or scheduling trash service for the items you no longer need, consider setting up a yard sale. Putting these belongings up for sale could be a smart way to make some extra money before heading off to school. Make sure you price items appropriately, and don’t try to sell worn out or threadbare clothing. If you’re trying to get rid of an item due to quality, it’s likely not going to sell.

3. Use a Scanner

Many people like to keep cherished school assignments as a remembrance of all the hard work they put into them, but storing stacks of paper can be a nuisance for the parents. An easy solution for those who want to keep them without the hassle is to scan all pertinent documents. This allows for easy storage of all those memorable assignments and report cards, and you can turn over the clutter to a trash service.


Before cleaning out your childhood home, make the process easier by scheduling trash service with the experts at Fly By Nite Disposal in Princeton, WV. With over 40 years of residential garbage collection services, their team will take the hassle out of disposing of all the unwanted belongings. Place everything in the dumpster rental, set a specific pickup time, and they’ll retrieve the waste so you only have to worry about the upcoming move. Schedule your trash pick up by calling (304) 487-1655, and learn more about their services online.