
After braces have been adjusted, it's not uncommon for the mouth to feel sore and sensitive for a few days. Eating soft foods can help minimize discomfort while satisfying your appetite. Unfortunately, many soft foods aren't exactly the healthiest dining options; ice creams and puddings are full of sugar, and mashed potatoes are loaded with starch. Instead, try these healthy foods after you've had your braces adjusted.

A Guide to Making Healthy Food Choices After Braces Have Been Adjusted

1. Smoothies

Fruit smoothies are packed full of vitamins and nutrients, and they're delicious as well. However, be sure to read the ingredient lists carefully. Many smoothies contain dairy products and sweeteners; go for smoothies with little or no full-fat dairy—soymilk is a great alternative—and minimal sweeteners. When possible, choose smoothies that contain whole fruits or vegetables; healthy additions like chia seeds, wheatgrass, or flaxseeds; or a scoop or two of Greek yogurt.

2. Greek Yogurtbraces

Speaking of Greek yogurt, it can be a great addition to your diet after your braces have been adjusted. A six-ounce serving of Greek yogurt has 15 to 20 grams of protein—that's as much as you'd get from a few ounces of lean meat. The increase in protein also helps you feel fuller for longer. Try plain Greek yogurt sweetened with a little honey and avoid the high-sugar varieties.

3. Mashed Cauliflower

Mashed cauliflower is lower in calories and carbs than traditional mashed potatoes. It also contains beneficial vitamin C and folate. Simply steam a broken-up head of cauliflower for 20 to 30 minutes—feel free to add in a few leeks or garlic cloves as well—and then puree it in a food processor until it’s reached a mashed-potato-like consistency.


When you need your braces adjusted, visit Nicholas J. Hurley D.D.S., P.A. Serving the Davidson County, NC, area, Dr. Hurley and his team provide various oral care services, including traditional braces and Invisalign®. They also offer general and cosmetic dentistry procedures, from preventative exams and cleanings to teeth whitening and implants. Call (336) 476-1109 or visit their website to schedule an appointment.
