
When building a new home, planning your dream kitchen can be both exciting and stressful. You get to design the floor plan and choose the features, finishes, and fixtures, and the choices are almost endless. You’ll certainly need a trusted and an experienced homebuilder for any new home construction project to help you weigh all pertinent factors before construction starts. Here’s a guide to three kitchen features that will enhance the beauty and functionality of your custom kitchen design.

3 Beautiful & Functional Custom Kitchen Features

1. Multifunctional Kitchen Islandsnew home construction

A multifunctional kitchen island brings more efficiency to the heart of the home—more storage, more seating, and more workspace. To speed food preparation and ease serving tasks, work with your homebuilder to situate your multifunctional kitchen island for best access to ovens, countertop burners, sinks, and seating. And consider all optional island amenities, such as warming drawers and recycling bins.

2. Adequate Lighting Fixtures

The right lighting fixtures can transform vital kitchen spaces. Talk with your contractor about window number, size, and position so that you’ll have lots of natural light. Don’t limit lighting fixtures to the ceiling. You can install lights inside cabinets to illuminate dark interiors or above cabinets to set off your decor. Task lighting over sinks and work surfaces are essential, and you can also position unique lighting accents, like over the kitchen island or dining table, to create a stylish focal point.

3. Smart Technologies

Smart devices for the kitchen are on the rise, and you should definitely consider taking advantage of them for your new home construction project. A hands-free faucet is a blessing for busy home cooks with small children. Discuss options for smart technologies with your homebuilder and choose Bluetooth-enabled devices and appliances that add to the energy efficiency and operational convenience of your kitchen.


Turn your vision of a dream kitchen into a reality with the help of Greg Gavin Construction Inc. Based in Dearborn, IN, Greg Gavin Construction, specializing in new home construction and commercial projects, has been in the business since 1979. Visit out their website, or call (812) 637-5202, to learn more.
