
A baby’s first tooth may erupt from at any point between 6 and 12 months, at which point they should have their first dentist’s appointment to ensure their teeth and gums are developing properly. Leading up to the tooth eruption, however, your baby may experience discomfort during the teething process. Fussiness, bringing hands to the mouth, refusal of food, and increased drooling are all signs of teething. Here’s what you can do to make your baby feel better as their teeth develop.

5 Tips for Alleviating Discomfort from Teething

1. Provide a Teething Ring

When children experience pressure caused by tooth eruption, they’re likely to put anything in sight into their mouths to find relief. If you’re noticing gnawing in your baby, give them something safe to chew on, such as a teething ring.

2. Provide Distractions

Gum soreness can make a child especially fussy, but distractions can give your little one something else to focus on besides the pain. Stimulation from mobiles, light-up projectors, and other baby-friendly distractions can all help minimize crankiness.

3. Alleviate Skin Irritation

Teething babies tend to produce more drool, which dentists confirm is normal at this stage. To prevent the skin around the mouth from becoming irritated, pat drool away promptly. You can also apply a baby-safe moisturizer to maintain the skin’s protective barrier. 

4. Offer Chilled Foods

dentistIn some cases, a sore mouth may make children hesitant to eat. For children who have transitioned to baby food, providing chilled age-appropriate foods may alleviate soreness at the gum line. Cold yogurts, frozen bananas, or applesauce are some child-friendly picks to consider.

5. Visit the Doctor

If your child is pulling their ears, it could suggest achy gums. It may also be a sign of an ear infection, so bring them to a doctor if the behavior persists. If it’s confirmed the symptom is due to teething, your child’s doctor and dentist may work in tandem to approve therapies such as children’s acetaminophen for pronounced discomfort.


When it’s time for a baby’s first dentist’s appointment, parents in the Rochester, NY, area turn to Dr. David K. Skeels. This friendly family dentist provides comprehensive oral care for patients, including preventive dentistry, emergency services, and cosmetic options. Find out what to expect from a standard appointment by visiting the practice’s website, or call (585) 467-7000 to set up an appointment. 
