
Whether you’re planning a vacation or have a business trip you can’t miss, if you have a new canine companion, you may see signs of separation anxiety in your pet. While hiring an expert like a dog trainer is an excellent way to combat this problem, there are also different methods you can apply at home to ease your dog’s anxiety. Learning about the symptoms, causes, and solutions to separation anxiety can help you better understand their anxiety.

What Is Separation Anxiety?

This condition can affect new and old pets alike, but it’s more prevalent when first bringing a new dog home or when adopting one that hasn’t lived in a stable environment. If your dog is experiencing this condition, they can exhibit a range of symptoms, from excessive drooling, pacing, and panting, to acting out in destructive ways, like chewing on furniture, defecating, or urinating in the home. 

What Causes Anxiety?

dog trainerSeparation anxiety typically presents in dogs that feel agitated, depressed, stressed, or nervous about their owner leaving home. Separation anxiety isn’t triggered by a specific time frame and can vary in dogs—whether you are gone for a one-week vacation or simply work an eight-hour day. It can be caused by a change in ownership, moving to a new home, a change in your daily schedule, or a change in household members.

How Can You Help Your Dog?

If your canine is exhibiting symptoms of separation anxiety, schedule an evaluation with a dog trainer. These professionals are well-versed in working with animals that act out to express emotions, from giving you exercises to build your relationship to behavioral modifications. In addition to consulting a dog trainer, you can also reduce the symptoms of separation anxiety by adhering to a schedule with your pet and exercising them daily to help them burn nervous energy.



If you need a safe space to board your pet while traveling, or a dog trainer to help ease separation anxiety, the professionals at Beach City Dogs in Oceanside, CA, have the tools to meet your needs. Whether you're leaving for work or play, you can rest assured these trained professionals will provide personal care and a safe place for your pet to stay until you return. To learn more about their services, visit them online or call (760) 717-1101.
