
Did you know that three different collisions occur in every car accident? The first is the initial impact between the car and the other vehicle or fixed object. The second is between the items—and people—inside the vehicles, and the third is between each occupant’s internal organs. If the impact is forceful enough, the third kind of collision can result in internal bleeding. Here’s what all motorists and passengers should know about this potentially life-threatening car accident injury. 

Causes & Symptoms 

Internal bleeding arises from two kinds of trauma, both of which can happen in car accidents. Blunt trauma refers to forceful impacts. For example, if the airbag damages blood vessels in the chest when it deploys, it would be considered blunt trauma. Penetrating trauma, on the other hand, refers to injuries that actually pierce the skin. If the windshield shatters and some of the glass lacerates the body, it would be considered penetrating trauma. 

Naturally, the symptoms of internal bleeding depend on which blood vessels or organs are affected. Some of the most common signs include dizziness, low blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, weakness, and numbness. However, these symptoms may not arise immediately. Therefore, it’s essential to seek medical care even if you feel relatively fine after a wreck. Treating internal bleeding right away can prevent serious complications. 

Treatment & Damages

car accidentTo treat internal bleeding, doctors must find the source of the problem. If the bleed is minor, it may stop on its own. For more severe cases, though, medical intervention is necessary, and it typically involves surgery. As a result, the patient must recover not only from car accident injuries but also from an invasive operation. This can result in considerable damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Thankfully, all such damages are recoverable by filing a personal injury claim against the party that was at fault for the accident. As long as you can prove liability and losses, you should be able to build a winning claim. 


If you sustained internal bleeding in a car accident, turn to The Law Offices of Daniel L. Crandall & Associates for help building your claim. Located in Roanoke, VA, this firm is led by strategic lawyers who have more than a century of combined experience in the legal field. And since they limit their focus to personal injury law, they have extensive experience resolving all kinds of tort claims. To read testimonials about the counsel they provide, visit their website. To schedule a case evaluation with an auto accident attorney on their team, call (540) 342-2000.
