
Most pet owners know the dangers of feeding human foods to cats and dogs, but they may not know that certain houseplants are just as hazardous. The effects of ingesting some plants can be harmless, while others will require emergency veterinary care. The following guide reveals some of the most common houseplants that are poisonous to pets.

5 Plants to Keep Away From Your Pet

1. Jade Plant

Characterized by its bubbly leaves, jade plants are a popular indoor succulent that are poisonous to both dogs and cats. It is unknown which part of the plant is toxic. If ingested, jade plants can cause depression, vomiting, loss of coordination, and in rare cases, slowed heart rate.

2. Dieffenbachia

Also known as tropic snow, dumbcane, and exotica, dieffenbachia is a large tropical plant that can grow quite large and may occasionally flower. It contains a poisonous chemical deterrent, so eating any part of the plant is harmful for pets. Ingesting this substance results in intense oral irritation, vomiting, decreased appetite, excessive drooling, and difficulty swallowing.

3. Aloe

veterinaryHighly sought after for its medicinal properties, aloe plants are one of the most common household succulents. Aloin, a bitter yellow compound found within the outer skin of the plant, leads to vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea, and reddish urine if ingested. The clear gel inside of aloe leaves is considered edible and safe.

4. Devil’s Ivy

Commonly referred to as devil’s ivy because it’s almost impossible to kill, pothos is a popular hanging plant. Chewing or swallowing this plant can cause painful mechanical irritation, gastrointestinal swelling, and swelling of oral tissues. If possible, veterinarians recommend hanging devil’s ivy outdoors.

5. Sago Palm

Sago palms should never be within reach of your pet. These decorative plants are highly toxic, so if your pet gets a hold of any part of it, seek veterinary attention immediately. Ingestion may result in vomiting, dark stools, bruising, jaundice, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, liver damage, liver failure, and in some cases, death.


If you believe your pet has ingested any of these plants, get in touch with Florence Veterinary Hospital for emergency care. Located in Boone County, KY, this clinic utilizes the latest advancements veterinary medicine to examine, diagnose, and treat pets. They also provide a mobile vet service, where a unit will travel directly to your home at your convenience. From wellness check-ups to surgery, these vets provide all the veterinary services your pet will need to stay healthy. Browse their comprehensive list of services online. To make a house call or schedule an appointment, call (859) 371-6501.
