
As the temperatures rise, people and pets take steps to stay cool. While you may be tempted to ask your dog groomer to shave your dog’s coat to help them beat the heat, that may do more harm than good. This is because unlike humans, dogs use their double coat to bring down their body temperature. To help you care for your pet, here’s a guide to how they use their fur in the warmer weather.

Why Shouldn’t I Shave My Dog In the Summer?

dog groomerDogs have sweat glands on their paws, but they mostly cool down by panting. However, their fur also helps cool them. This is because most of them have double coats, which circulate cool air around their skin and expel warm air. Having your dog groomer shave your dog disrupts this natural cooling cycle. Without their fur, they’re also at a greater risk of sunburn and skin cancer due to sunlight exposure.

How Else Can I Keep My Dog Cool?

There are plenty of ways to help your dog stay comfortable this summer without shaving their coat. Water, for example, brings down their internal temperature, so make sure they have access to it at all times. If going on walks, take a water bottle and their bowl with you and take regular breaks to offer them fluids. On warmer days, consider bringing your dog indoors to enjoy the shade and your AC. 

If you’re concerned about keeping your pet cool, taking them to the dog groomer to chop some of their fur without shaving it can also be helpful. 


Golden Heart Boarding & Grooming of North Pole, AK, provides services to pamper your furry friend. These licensed dog groomers provide quality hair cuts, shampoos, and nail trimmings, and other work to help your pet feel their best. If you are going on vacation, trust them to keep your dog comfortable at their boarding facility. Learn more about what they do online or call (907) 488-68666 to schedule an appointment.
