
Septic tank maintenance is a year-round responsibility. It protects your home and keeps your septic system in good working order. However, each season brings unique risks that can damage the system or cause it to malfunction. Now that summer has arrived, you must know which septic tank care tasks are especially important to perform as the temperatures rise. Here are a few tips for avoiding costly and inconvenient septic problems this summer. 

How to Ensure Proper Septic Tank Care in the Summer

1. Be Mindful of Water Usage 

During the summer months, it’s common for water usage to increase in many households. The kids are home from school all day, friends and family are likely to visit more often, and the landscape needs to be watered frequently to thrive in the heat. As such, if you aren’t careful, you could end up overloading the septic tank, which means it won’t be able to adequately treat wastewater and the system may back up and overflow.

2. Inform Your Guests 

septic tank careYour guests should know your property operates on a septic system and there are certain items that cannot be flushed down the drains. Make it clear that the only items that can safely enter your tank are toilet paper, waste, and water. Anything else has the potential to cause serious damage—such as a backup—and create a messy situation that results in expensive repairs. 

3. Watch Where People Park 

Summer is the perfect time to host outdoor social gatherings, but parking can be a challenge if you have limited space. Often, guests will start parking on the lawn once the driveway and street have filled with cars. If this happens, make sure no one drives over or parks near the septic tank. Heavy vehicles sitting on the drain field can crush the system’s lines and compact the soil, making it unable to treat wastewater efficiently. 

4. Schedule a Septic Tank Pumping 

One of the most effective ways to ensure proper septic tank care is by scheduling a professional pumping every three to five years. Although, if it’s time for your tank to be pumped, have it done now before your summer guests arrive. This will prevent unpleasant odors from seeping into your yard and possible system failure due to increased use.


If you’re looking for a qualified contractor to help with all of your septic tank care needs over the summer and throughout the year, contact Wright’s Septic Service. Backed by more than 50 years of experience, they proudly provide residents in Tomah, WI, with high-quality septic maintenance. Whether you have an emergency or a routine service call, you can count on them to make your health and safety a top priority. Call (608) 372-3615 to request a job estimate.
