
With the school year coming to an end and summer vacation on the horizon, families across the country are looking forward to backyard barbecues and fun in the sun. During this transition to warmer weather and flexible schedules for kids and teenagers, consider visiting your dentist for a teeth cleaning appointment to ensure everyone’s smile is healthy and beautiful. At this appointment, your dentist may advise going easy on the following summer delicacies to reduce the odds of oral health issues. 

4 Summer Treats Your Dentist Wants You to Eat in Moderation

1. Ice Cream

Ice cream and popsicles are loaded with sugar, so routine consumption can increase your risk of cavities and other dental problems. While it may be difficult to deny yourself a visit to the ice cream shop, indulge in this sweet treat sparingly and brush your teeth shortly after consumption so the sugar doesn’t linger on your teeth.

2. Corn on the Cob

Corn on the cob fresh off of the grill is an essential part of a summer barbecue. While a tasty vegetable, eating corn in this fashion can pose problems for individuals with fillings or sensitive teeth and gums as you may bite down too hard on the cob. Additionally, it’s easy for kernels to get lodged between teeth, so avoid eating it unless you have floss and a toothbrush nearby to reduce the odds of debris leading to plaque buildup.

3. Iced Coffee

DentistCoffee commonly contributes to surface stains. Flavored iced coffee has the additional problem of being sweetened with sugars and syrups for flavor. Since the sugar and acid in a flavored iced coffee drink can wear down enamel and lead to tooth decay, dentists encourage patients to drink this beverage in moderation. When you do order an iced coffee, stick to an unsweetened option with a little bit of milk to reduce staining, and use a straw to reduce contact with teeth.

4. Soda & Sports Drinks

On a hot day, a cold soda or sports drink can sound incredibly appealing. Dentists recommend sticking to water instead as this beverage is better at promoting hydration. Unlike soda and sports drinks, water does not contain sugar and other additives that can lead to cavities and enamel wear. 


If you’re a resident in the greater La Crosse, WI, area, and you’re looking for a dentist that helps patients of all ages maintain healthy smiles through every life phase, turn to Main Street Dental. They offer preventive, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry, so you can achieve the smile of your dream with their care. For more information on Dr. Dan Kujak and his dedicated team who have been providing innovative, modern dental care for over 30 years, visit their website, and call (608) 784-4063 to schedule a teeth cleaning.
