
The Fourth of July is the perfect opportunity to plan a casual yet memorable celebration with friends and family in the comfort of your own home. However, on a warm midsummer night, that comfort will largely depend on your central air conditioning system. If you’re hoping to enhance its performance without spending a fortune, use the following tips to benefit your guests and your wallet.

How to Prepare Your Central Air Conditioning System for a July 4th Party

1. Clean or Change the Air Filters

As you use your central air conditioning system in the weeks leading up to your party, the filter will fill up with dust, dirt, pet dander, and other allergens. Before your gathering, clean or swap out your clogged air filter for a fresh one. Not only will this simple task increase the efficiency of your AC by allowing air to flow freely, but it will also allow your guests to breathe clean, fresh-smelling air.

2.  Adjust as You Go

central air conditioningOne of the best Fourth of July traditions is firing up the grill for some smoky, outdoor cooking. However, if you have a lot of people coming over, you may also need to cook inside. If you’ll be using your oven or stove, adjust the thermostat to account for the heat these appliances give off. Also, if guests are frequently opening doors to come in and out of the house, you may have to lower the temperature setting as hot air sneaks inside.

3. Schedule a Maintenance Inspection

If there are any mechanical issues inside your central air conditioning system—such as a leak in the ductwork or a broken fan motor—your unit won’t be able to operate at its full potential. Luckily, an AC repair team can inspect your system before the Fourth of July, looking for faulty or worn-out parts. In some cases, they may find that your system is outdated, in which case they’ll recommend an efficient upgrade.


If you’re excited to entertain guests in a cool home this summer, get in touch with Coulee Property Solutions of Brownsville, MN. They have over five years of experience offering HVAC services to clients with central air conditioning and ductless systems. Whether you need a brand-new system or just some routine maintenance, call them at (507) 450-8318 to schedule your appointment with a professional. You can also visit the website to learn more about their work.
