
The moment when you realize your keys are lost or locked somewhere in your vehicle is one almost every car owner experiences at some point. It is never pleasant; however, there are numerous tips and practices that prevent this unfortunate lockout situation from happening again. Read on to learn how you can keep your keys where they belong.

3 Tips For Preventing Car Lockout Issues

1. Get Copies Made

Make two sets of car key copies to give to family and trusted friends who live in your area. Test the copies before you give them away to make certain they work. Loved ones who have copies of your keys and can get to your location quickly prevent long wait times on the side of the road, in a shopping center parking lot, or anywhere else. You may also want to keep a spare set at your work desk.

2. Train Yourself to Keep Your Keys With You

lockoutStart training yourself to put your keys in your bag or pocket instead of on the trunk floor or car seat. It’s easy to forget the keys are there when you are busying loading or unloading various items or ensuring all of your passengers are doing well. Make a point of being extra mindful as you lock your car to prevent the dreaded realization that your keys are in the vehicle but not accessible.

3. Check the Your Vehicle & Fob Batteries Often

Check the batteries on your key fob often to prevent upsetting power losses. Look for signs of corrosion and research how long your key fob battery brand is supposed to last if you don’t know. Also, check your car battery about once a month for corrosion, leaks, and other damages that can cause your vehicle to stop working, something that’s even more aggravating when you are dealing with a car lockout situation. Car batteries last about three years before they need replacing and are subject to temperature changes. Hot weather accelerates battery aging, while cold weather reduces its power.

If you find yourself dealing with a car lockout despite your best efforts, rely on Discount Towing & Recovery to get you back on the road. The towing and roadside assistance company provides fast, reliable services to drivers throughout Mountain Home, AR, and the surrounding areas, including tire changes, fuel deliveries, and jump-starts in addition to lockouts. Call (870) 425-1775 whenever you need towing and roadside assistance, or visit the website for more information. Get additional vehicle tips on Facebook.
