
In the welding community, one of the most common production methods is known as computer numerical control, or CNC, machining. The process involves utilizing computer software to manipulate materials to create everything from parts to finished products. Advancements in technology have elevated the potential of this already progressive design process. Here’s a little bit more about how CNC machines operate.

What You Should Know About CNC Machining

How Exactly Does It Work?

The basic principle of general machining is to transform a material, like plastic, aluminum, or steel, into a finished part. Through CNC functionality, the machine receives a series of virtual instructions through one of two files: computer aided manufacturing (CAM) or computer aided design (CAD). These retrieve the information from the file and use it to cut the material into a part.

What Are the Advantages?

La Crosse, WI CNC machineThe process is a key advancement for general machine shop operations. Computer programming greatly speeds up production output and automates many of the labor-intensive functions that might otherwise affect the company’s bottom line. The digital instructions produced by CAM or CAD also streamline the cutting process and create a more accurate, useful part.

That’s due largely to the machine’s well-rounded design, which can utilize different tools to create a variety of cuts. This eliminates the need for manual interference. The machine consistently monitors production and quality to ensure that there is little room for error in the final design.

What Kinds of Tools Are Used?

Conventional CNC machines use several basic technologies to manipulate materials. Among the most common is the milling machine. Following digital commands, the machine’s tools, which range from cutters to blades, slice into the material to create the desired cut. Another typical tool is the lathe, which is designed to quickly spin the material against a drill bit to achieve very precise cuts. For a smoother finish, a plasma cutter may be used to melt down metal.

Which Industries Benefit from It?

Industries that require products with the lowest percentage of error often turn solely to CNC machines for their applications. Their products must meet stringent government guidelines and safety codes, and this intricate welding process offers low tolerance for mistakes. As such, the medical, aerospace, defense, and electronic industries often rely strictly on this process.


Your projects and applications require only the highest quality materials and welding services. That’s why so many trust in the professionals at C & C Machine in La Crosse, WI. The welders at this metal fabrication facility offer everything from CNC machine work to machine repairs. They also have a large inventory of metals to assist in your production. Visit them online for information or call (608) 784-4427.
