
Whether you’re a seasoned fisherman or just bought fishing supplies for the first time, Wisconsin has a lot to offer. Many different species can be found at various depths, and some are even active year-round. Here are five fish to cast your line at next time you’re on the water.

Hook These 5 Fish in Wisconsin Waters

1. Largemouth Bass

These fish like to hang out around natural structures like reefs, rocks, and vegetation beds. Nearly any type of bait — live or not — will attract them, and the best times to catch this type of bass are from May to June and September to October.

2. Yellow Perch

Perch prefer the cold, so they float near the bottom of deep bodies of water, far away from the sun. They’re hungry for insect larvae, worms, and minnows, and they’re most active from late summer to early spring.

3. Bluegill

fishing suppliesThese fish tend to stay in water that’s between 6 and 15 feet deep, but they sometimes explore weedy sections as shallow as 2 feet. They’re drawn to worms, and you can catch them with general fishing supplies throughout the year, but late spring and early summer are best for fly fishing.

4. Walleye

When the water is clear, this fish tends to only move to shallow areas at nighttime. But in murky water, they may be active at surface-level all day. Their favorite food is minnows, and they’re easiest to catch in spring and fall.

5. Crappie

Crappie are easiest to catch in spring near the shoreline. At this time of year, males will attack anything that approaches their nest. If you have ice fishing supplies you can catch them in winter as well, but they’re difficult to snag in summer and fall when they shelter in deep holes and brush.


If you’re looking for fishing supplies, visit Pritzl's Trading Post in Nekoosa, WI. The store has everything you need to reel in your next catch, from licenses to bait and hooks. In addition to angling gear, the one-stop-shop offers everything from groceries to ATV registrations. Call (715) 325-2281 to speak with an associate, or visit them online to learn more about their services.
