
Routine groundwater sampling is an essential component in protecting the world’s most precious resource. Groundwater supplies about 90% of the water in rural communities, and even major cities such as San Antonio, TX, rely exclusively on aquifers. Here, learn what specifically makes groundwater sampling so essential.

3 Benefits Groundwater Sampling Provides

1. Tests For Contaminants

Comprehensive groundwater sampling tests for a range of contaminants, including nitrates, coliform bacteria, total dissolved solids, heavy metals, and sulfates, among others. Nitrates are particularly dangerous to babies under six months old because they impede blood’s oxygen-carrying abilities. High sulfate content causes gastrointestinal issues, while coliform bacteria such as E. coli results in diarrhea among other stomach infections. Total dissolved solids such as sulfate and chloride reduce water palatability. Heavy metals contribute to various health issues, such as liver and kidney damage.

2. Tracks Level Changes & Flow Patterns

groundwater samplingEstimating an aquifer’s longevity and usability gets significantly easier with groundwater sampling. Routine testing tracks any changes to the aquifer’s stability and safety due to groundwater withdrawal, flooding, drought, and salt intrusion. This makes it easier for municipalities to distribute drought and flood warnings. It also provides information on the groundwater’s flow patterns and chemistry to better predict changes and improve water management practices.

3. Determines Impact of Land Use

Without regularly scheduled groundwater sampling, it becomes difficult to monitor changes based on land use. Groundwater extraction for residential and commercial use naturally affects aquifer supplies, as do irrigation practices that can result in pesticide, fertilizer, and animal manure contamination. Determining the impact of land use again allows for better water management and, therefore, cleaner, healthier water for the population.


If groundwater sampling and well monitoring are among your residential or commercial needs, work with the experienced team at GeoTek Alaska. Based in Anchorage, the geotechnical drilling contractors and scientists at this premier company have contributed to the community since 2002. They also provide fly-in services since not every location in Alaska is accessible by road, and vehicles can disturb the terrain. Call (907) 569-5900 today to schedule sampling, or visit the company online for more geotechnical service information.
