
On the hottest summer days, coming inside and relaxing in a cool room is a wonderful relief. If the HVAC system fails to turn on, however, it can be cause for alarm. Before you worry about spending the day in a steamy, uncomfortable house, consider these possible resolutions to restore that much-needed cool air. If it’s not something as easy as the following, it’s likely time to call in the technician cavalry.

What to Do if the AC Stops Working

1. Check the Thermostat

Sometimes the problem is as simple as the thermostat. Make sure the batteries work properly and that the unit is set to cool the house. Ideally, you should adjust the temperature several degrees lower than the existing temperature on the floor.

2. Replace the Filter

HVACAir filters are designed to promote healthy indoor air quality and protect the longevity of your HVAC system. If they’re heavily clogged with contaminants, however, they can’t do their job. Your AC works harder to cool the home, and it may eventually stop functioning if the filter is completely blocked. For best results, replace this filter at least once every two to three months.

3. Inspect the Breaker

Just like any other device in the house, the AC will cease to work if the circuit breaker trips. This can happen if even a minor power surge occurs since the breaker’s a safety mechanism designed to protect the appliance from damage. To troubleshoot, check the circuit breaker associated with your HVAC system. Turn it off completely, wait a moment, then push it back into the right position. Try this only once; if there’s an electrical issue, you’ll need an AC repair technician to assess it.

4. Clean the Exterior

A compromised exterior unit can also inhibit the AC’s functionality. If the evaporator coils are covered in dirt, dust, and debris, then the system can’t effectively extract warm air. The system may overheat as a result, and you might notice that the AC cools very slowly before it stops completely. Clean the outdoor unit at least once a year by dusting away visible debris and wiping down the fan blades. You can have your HVAC technician perform a thorough cleaning if it’s especially dirty.


Has your AC unit suddenly stopped working? Turn to the HVAC technicians at Richmond Hill Air Conditioning. Proudly serving homeowners throughout Savannah and Richmond Hill, GA, the licensed company provides comprehensive inspections, AC repairs, and preventative maintenance to ensure the longevity of your system. Visit them online to learn more or call them at (912) 756-2288 to schedule a prompt appointment.
