
Is lemonade okay for my teeth? Should I be chewing on ice? Do I really need this mouthguard?

Dr. Joy Lunan tests your summer smarts with this fact or fiction quiz to show you what’s best for your teeth.

Ice is bad for your teeth.       

FACT   Ice may be nice on a hot summer day, but it’s not nice for your teeth. Chewing on hard foods, such as ice, can leave your teeth vulnerable to a fracture and can damage your enamel. Tip: Use ice to cool your drinks this sumer, but not to chew on.

Rollerblading isn’t something I need to wear a mouthguard for.

FICTION   We all love being outside in the summer, but Dr. Lunan recommends that everyone wear a mouthguard during activities that could potentially lead to a mouth injury. Collision or contact sports are definitely a higher risk, but you can also experience a mouth injury in activities such as gymnastics or roller blading as well. Tip: Consult with Dr. Joy Lunan about a custom fit mouthguard to avoid any dental injuries this summer. 

Sports drinks are a better option than a soda.    

FICTION    It gets HOT in the summer! We sweat and we reach for those sugary drinks. Before you reach for a sports drink or a soda consider what impact it has on your teeth. Their names may imply that they are healthy, but these drinks feature sugar as their main ingredient. Tip: If you must have this type of beverage check the label to make sure it is low in sugar or stick with water instead. 

It’s vacation time, I can take care of my teeth when I get back.

FICTION   Summertime means traveling for many of us. If you are planning an extended trip or perhaps leaving the country, consider a visit to Dr. Joy Lunan’s dental office in Middlebury, CT before hand. Some remote areas may not have good access to dental care. You wouldn’t want to get a toothache on your vacation. Tip: Make sure to bring your dental insurance information with you when you travel in case you do have a dental emergency.

Lemonade is a healthy alternative to water.

FICTION   Nothing can be more refreshing that a cool glass of lemonade on a hot summer day. However, frequent imbibing of the acid and sugar found in this drink can be harmful to your teeth. The acid found in the lemons can erode our enamel overtime and the sugar can lead to tooth decay. Water is always your best option when trying to stay cool and hydrated. Tip: Try flavoring plain water with a lemon flavoring. 

If you have any questions or just would like to share some summertime tips of your own, don’t hesitate to call Dr. Joy Lunan’s dental office in Middlebury, CT.  203-598-7920      Check out our patient’s reviews here.

